Author Archives: sidd.shukla

E-Cigarettes Really Help us to Quit Smoking

“Safe doesn’t exist. But electronic cigarettes are low risk compared to regular cigarettes. It’s theequivalent of having a four-wheel-drive Volvo compared to a high-powered motorcycle with bald tiresin an ice storm.” What is e- cigarette ? Electronic cigarettes contains nicotine and/or other chemicals delivering system to the user via anaerosol vapour. The devices are designed….

Zika Virus Infection: Risk of Fetal BrainAbnormality

A pattern of other birth defects, called congenital Zika syndrome, has been found, which is unique tofetuses and infants infected with Zika virus before birth. Prenatal Zika virus infection has been linkedto adverse pregnancy and birth outcomes, most notably microcephaly and other serious brainanomalies. Introduction Zika virus First time discovered in Uganda, in 1947 and….

Chewing Paan is Good For Health

The heart shaped leaves of Betel piper are commonly known as Paan in India.This is generally takenafter meals. Its leaves are not only used as mouth freshener rather be use for blood purification,quenching excessive thirst, clearing the throat, improving appetite, taste and as tonic for liver, heartand brain. Piper betel leaves also referred to as….

Tea or Coffee : Which drink is better for Brainfunction and Memory

“Tea and Coffee both have positive and negative effect on our body. But Recent Research tell Tea is better stimulant and boosting for mood as compare to coffee. Tea offers cognitive benefits isn’t all that surprising – but that it can enhance memory so quickly is a huge discovery. Tea leaves contain Caffeine, Theophylline , Theobromine,….